How time constraints affect safety conditions at construction sites: analysis of the perception of Portuguese construction participants


Construction companies are currently subject to enormous pressure to achieve time and budget objectives. However, this situation can result in an unsafe accident-prone workplace because, often, when meeting deadlines takes priority, the implementation of occupational safety measures is relegated to the background. In order to discuss the relationship between the intensification of activities and work accidents at construction sites, a survey of the views of various construction participants (public and private owners, contractors and designers/consultants) was conducted as part of a national survey on construction delays. It was found that most respondents agree with the growing evidence regarding this problem. However, many believe that it is possible to reconcile the growing pressure imposed by compliance to deadlines with essential requirements for quality and safety through more efficient coordination.The authors acknowledge the valuable and dedicated collaboration of all respondents and the support of University of Pernambuco (UPE), the Civil Engineering Master´s Program (PEC/POLI/UPE), its Graduate and Research Coordination (CPG/POLI/UPE), CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior and IAUPE - Instituto de Apoio a Fundação Universidade de

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