Aiming at the rehabilitation of a timber warehouse in the Tua train station for a new use, it was necessary to assess the level of conservation of the building’s elements and determine whether intervention measures were required. This work summarizes the assessment made of the timber elements by means visual inspection and non-destructive testing. The main results, obtained in the diagnostic survey, were the conservation level of the timber warehouse, the visual strength grading of the timber elements and damage maps indicating the main pathologies and its probable causes.The drawings of the Tua station warehouse (artmetro, arquitetos associados 2011) were provided by the Architecture School Study Centre of University of Minho and their reproduction is acknowledged. The support of FEDER through COMPETE and of FCT within the scope of project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633 are acknowledged. The financial support of COST FP1101 – Assessment, Reinforcement and Monitoring of Timber Structures is gratefully