Hardware Accelerating the Optimization of Transaction Schedules via Quantum Annealing by Avoiding Blocking


The isolation property of database theory guarantees to avoid problems of not synchronized parallel execution of several transactions. In this paper we propose an algorithm for an optimal transaction schedule for the different cores of a multi-core CPU with minimal execution time ensuring the isolation property. Optimizing the transaction schedule is a combinatorial problem, which is ideal to be solved by quantum annealers as special form of quantum computers. In our contribution we show how to transform an instance of the transaction schedule problem into a formula that is accepted by quantum annealers including a proof of validity and optimality of the obtained result. Furthermore, we analyze the number of required qubits and the preprocessing time, and introduce an approach for caching formulas as result of preprocessing for the purpose of reducing the preprocessing time. In an experimental evaluation, the runtime on a quantum annealer outperforms the runtime of traditional algorithms to solve combinatorial problems like simulated annealing already for small problem sizes

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