Letter from Myra C. Marshall to John Muir, 1910 Nov 1.


MarshallNovember 1- 19103157 EIGHTEENTH STREETMy dear Mr. Muir,I am sure you can not know the real pleasure I took in hearing of Mr. Marshall\u27s delightful visit with you; and I am so pleased to have the splendid photo of yourself.But we shall never feel quite satisfied until you come on to Washington for a visit with us. I wish you were here right now for we are truly having Indian summer in04892 spite of the fact that November is here.When are you coming?Don\u27t you think a winter in the east would be good for you after these several years in California? I do. Let us know when to expect you, for come you must.With love from all the Marshalls, little and big.Myra C. Marshall

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