Letter from C. Hart Merriam to John Muir, 1900 Jul 30.


U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREBIOLOGICAL SURVEYWASHINGTON, D. C. C. HART MERRIAM, CHIEFT. S. PALMER, ASSISTANT CHIEFJuly 30, 1900.My dear Mr. Muir:At last after many delays, I think I can safely count on reaching San Francisco very close to August 14. I expect to spend only one day in San Francisco, and then proceed direct to Tallac on Lake Tahoe, to join Bailey, who has our pack outfit at that place. From Tallac we will go by road to Big Trees and thence across to Mono Lake and return.I want above all things for you to go with me on this trip, and wish you would put on your thinking cap and let no know where you will join us. Suppose I leave my city clothes in San Francisco and then go direct to your house with a view to proceeding thence immediately to Tallac. Will you join me and make the round trip with me, or would you prefer to join me at Big Trees and simply make the trip across the mountains? I should like to know as soon as possible in order to wire Bailey about the number of animals necessary for the trip and shall be obliged if you will wire me as soon as you make up your mind. We have both had our noses to the desk altogether too long. A dose of Sierra fresh air will do us both a world of good and I trust nothing will prevent you from going with me.With kind regards to your family,Very truly yours,[illegible]Mr. John MuirMartinez, Calif

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