Letter from Gifford Pinchot to John Muir, 1901 Jul 1.


H.H.UNITED STATES DEPATMENT OF AGRICULTURE,BUEAU OF FORESTRY,WASHINGTON, D. C.OFFICE OF THE FORESTER.July 1, 1901.Mr. John Muir,Martinez, Calif.Dear Mr. Muir:Your letter of June 24th came to cheer me up in the midst of the hot weather.I regret very much, with you, that you did not see Fisher, and especially on his account, for I should have he en exceedingly glad if he could have had the benefit of your advice.Many thanks for the name of Chas. H. Sawyer.While the arrangement by which I am to have charge of certain work in the reserves has not yet gone through, I hope it may before long, and when the time comes I shall be particularly glad to know the names of reliable men such as this one.If you know of any others, I hope you will let me have them.With many thanks,Very sincerely yours,[illegible]Forester[02872

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