Letter from Fay H. Sellers to [John Muir], 1913 Mar 3.


[2]not however remain much longer, having made her arrangements to return home in April. She is to visit her mother and daughter in Oregon before that time, consequently I will have to give her up soon. As I wrote you in my last letter, I will go to Chicago and decide later what is the best thing for me to do, live in a hotel, coming here winters or take a house there. I get very homesick when I think of[1]Pasadena Mch 3-13Dear friend.I am still in Pasadena where I expect to remain until there is a prospect of selling the house. I have put it in the hands of Mr. Luckwood to sell. hoping he may find a purchaser soon- although one cannot always dispose of a house immediately upon offering it for sale. My sister-in-law is still with me. She can05386 [3]going away from Pasadena. for I like it here. No doubt when I go to Chicago, everything will be different there, and it may not seem like home. Five years have probably made many changes there too. I will let you know as soon as I know myself where I am going. It may be two months before I can dispose of my things here and be ready to go. If you come to Los Angeles, you will come to see me, won\u27t you? I would be very unhappy to go away without seeing you again. God bless you dear Mr. Muir. for you have indeed been a dear and kind friend.Your sincere friendFay J. Sellers

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