The Socio-Economic Impact From Employment Of Low-Skilled Foreign Workers And International Internship Programme In Malaysia


This study was commissioned by the Institute of Labour Market Information and Analysis to investigate the socio-economic impact from the employment of low skilled foreign workers and international internship programme in Malaysia.It commenced on 1st June 2019 until 14th February 2020. This report contains eight Chapters. Chapter 1 outlines the background, scope and objectives of the study. The main objectives of the study are:i. to identify and verify the socioeconomic impact due to employment of low skilled foreign workers and international interns from the perspective of health, education, crime, etc.; ii. to identify the economic impact due to employment of low skilled foreign workers and international interns from the perspective of wages, employment, job creation, productivity, automation etc.; iii. to identify the international student internship programme landscape in Malaysia; and iv. to propose recommendations and plan of action to the government to overcome the issues, challenges, limitation and weaknesses of existing foreign worker employment policies and the international internship programme from the study

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