Origin of Chemical Elements from Water


Based on a literal interpretation of the Biblical account of creation, it is inferred that all the original matter available to the universe was water (Gen. 1:1-3). Employing this premise, a method is outlined demonstrating how various chemical elements might have been derived via nucleosynthesis processes. The mechanism commences with the hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) nuclei provided by water, which are subjected to nuclear reactions. These reactions invoke classical collision theory as the mechanism for generation of new atomic nuclei at a given steady-state temperature. For purposes of simplicity and time constraints, the study thus far has been limited to the production of only the most abundant, stable isotopes naturally present in the earth. There are still some seventy elements remaining to be accounted for. Furthermore, no attempt is made to address the distributions of elements, either in the earth, solar system, or cosmos. These questions must be deferred for future work. The emphasis of this study is solely on the mechanism of production. It is shown that dissociation of water would produce the necessary number of particles and all production times are short. A viable process is also presented which provides a tenable explanation for rapid energy release

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