
The work on hydrodynamic journal bearings carried out at Minho University in the last 30 years


The hydrodynamic journal bearing is still one of the most geometrically simple mechanical components, yet highly reliable and efficient and, above all, unique in what concerns to heavy duty – high load, high speed – support of rotating shafts. Analytical studies, not only to understand the physical basis of its performance, but also to develop practical tools for an expedite design, as well as to assure its reliability and improved efficiency, were object of the early developments in fluids’ hydrodynamic sciences, since the late XIX century, and are still been refined and improved on the XXI century. Historical marks can be flagged as (i) simplified analytical resolutions of the hydrodynamic pressure distribution; (ii) computerized iterative resolution of the full pressure development equations; (iii) introduction of the lubricant feeding conditions; (iv) analysis of the thermal aspects and its influence on viscosity; (v) localized aspects of fluid flow, due to thermal/viscous phenomena and geometrical particularities. This evolution led to increased accuracy on the performance predictions and to safer and higher efficiency of the designed components. On the other hand, analysis became more specific in use and, particularly with the introduction of the thermo-hydrodynamic analysis, led to the need of ‘tailored’ solutions to a given set of specific conditions. As a consequence, methods lost much of their ‘universality’ and ease of use to the common and sporadic designer. This work intents to make a first evaluation of the response of three prediction methods – a commercial and widely used isothermal approach and an isothermal and a thermohydrodynamic procedures, these former developed at UMinho over the last years – in an attempt to highlight the variability of the predictions of the main performance parameters by the use of simpler and rapid methods, when compared with those based on more complex and accurate analysis, and their eventual influence on an efficient and reliable design solution

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