Da’wah and creativity: adopting transdisciplinary expertise in transmitting the messages of Islam to others


Living in a sophisticated world today always require people to adjust themselves accordingly. The same goes to the work of da’wah (the act of propagation of Islam) by the Muslims. This study discusses efforts made by a group of undergraduate students from different specializations attending Islamic Da’wah course (RKUD 2030) at the International Islamic University Malaysia to deliver the messages of Islam to the targeted recipients by using the most effective methods. The students are divided into several groups and required to find current psychosocial issues reported in the media. These issues are turned into problems in which they must think of a solution by using the most effective and creative method. As a result, various creative methods were invented to transmit the messages to the intended recipients. The students are able to adopt their transdisciplinary knowledge and skills in producing the best da’wah methodology

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