
On the development of advanced methodologies to assist on the diagnosis of human articulations pathologies : a biomechanical approach


The main purpose of this investigation is to present a preliminary study on the development of advanced methodologies to assist on the diagnosis of human articulations pathologies. In this process, a biomechanical approach is considered to characterize the patellofemoral joint. The present research work involves two distinct scientific domains, respectively, engineering and health sciences, and arises as a result of an association between the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Minho and a Portuguese company of medical consulting, ESPMEN. The correlation of both of these areas takes part of the highest biomedical engineer’s research interests and professional ambitions. One area where this kind of approach is essential is in the understanding of patellofemoral disorders, due to their ambiguous definition, multifactorial aetiology and common thread with and impact on nearly all knee conditions. Thus, the present project represents an appealing challenge to all the involved parts. This paper describes the patellofemoral (PF) problems, from their physiopathology to epidemiology, focusing their critical question: the diagnosis, but from a conclusive perspective of resolution. Actually, since the majority of the PF cases are recurrently misdiagnosed, there is in fact an urgent need of standardization of the physical examination methods. The biomechanical approach should prospectively culminate in the development of a standard assessment methodology that could precisely diagnose the PF pathologies and moreover allow clinicians to apply the most accurate and personalized treatment to each patient.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

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