Stock identification of Priacanthus hamrur (Forsskal, 1775) (Order: Perciformes and Family: Priacanthidae) from Indian waters based on morphometric, meristic and otolith traits


1411-1415In this study, stock discrimination of P. hamrur has been done from the Indian coast based on morphometric traits, meristic counts and otolith shape. During the study period, 370 specimens were collected from the Indian coast. A total of 14 morphometric traits, 10 meristic counts and 6 sagittal otolith shape parameters were studied for discrimination purpose. Discriminate function analysis was used to separate the stocks from different locations using Statistica (12) software. Meristic counts were the same in all the four stocks and have no role in stock separation. Differentiation of stocks was observed based on morphometric and otolith analysis. Analysis of morphometric characters showed little mixing between Mumbai and Cochin stocks. Squared Mahalanobis distance analysis showed Kakinada and Kolkata were closest stock whereas Mumbai and Kakinada were least similar stock. Among the three methods, incremental distance analysis of otolith has been found to be most suitable for separation of stock. The present study will provide basic of stock assessment and help in the susutainable management of this resource

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