Mocking Expressions In Samsung Galaxy Video Commercials


ismocking expressions. Mocking expression is making fun of ridicule by copying in a funny or contemptuous way. We usually used it in the informal or formal conversation. Mocking expressions are some sentences used to give some power into our sentence. Therefore, in this study, the writer was interested in analyzingmocking expressions about the forms, functions of mocking expressions from Samsung Galaxy Video Commercials. This was a qualitative research in which the data of the study were taken from the Samsung Galaxy Video Commercials.The writer chose Samsung Galaxy Video Commercials because the writer want to prove that mocking expressions has many functions that not only used when someone in feeling angry or frustated by something, mocking expressions can be used to express or to show all of function, and the writer found that in these video commercials. Moreover, Samsung Galaxy Video Commercials were unique video commercials with ridiculous act by some people who want to persuade the consumers to buy Samsung Galaxy’s phones by mocking another brand. From the findings, the writer analyzed the forms, functions and also interpretation meaning of mocking expressions, the writer could make summarize about them. In the Samsung Galaxy Video Commercials, the writer found several function to express mocking expressions, such as showing makes fun function, showing joke function, showing imitation, showing annoyances, showing irritancy function, and showing amazement function. And the most function that used in the videos is showing irritancy since Samsung indirectly wants to tell the people that their phones are more innovated phones and better than iPhone’s, also Samsung wants to persuade the people to buy their product by being a smart phone than others.. For the next researchers who are interested in doing similar research, this study will give contribution to comprehend the mocking expressions. And also this study can give inspiration and guidance for the further researchers to be more careful in doing research

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