Improving Speaking Skill of The eleventh Grade Students of SMK N 3 Kudus in the Academic Year 2012/2013 by Using Three-Step interview Strategy (a Classroom Action research).


Restiyanti, RiaRizky. 2012. Improving Speaking Skill of The eleventh Grade Students of SMK N 3 Kudus in the Academic Year 2012/2013 by Using Three-Step interview Strategy (a Classroom Action research). Skripsi.English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisor: (1) DiahKurniati, S.Pd,.M.Pd, (2) AhdiRiyono, S.S, M.Hum. Keyword: Speaking Skill, Three-Step interview Strategy English as international language is very important for everyone, because it is used in business, college and certain occasional. Speaking skill is a skill which enables to communicate or give a message by students to other and need a feedback of message that it given. If students understand of what the message, they can enable respond it or give a feedback. Nowadays, people still feel difficult to speak something in English even the students who have learnt from kindergarten. Many students are less in speaking English. It is caused by less in practicing English speaking and has no any confidence to communicate and share the idea. Besides that, many teachers still more focus on the grammatical structure than make students active speaking in the class. One of the ways to teach speaking English is using three-step interview strategy. It is one of the strategies which emphasize students to be more active and confidence in speaking English. The research objectives in this research are; 1) to know if three-step interview strategy can improve speaking skill of the eleventh grade students of SMK N 3 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013. 2) to describe the students’ response in using three-step interview strategy which is aimed improving their speaking. The research design is classroom action research which have four steps; planning, action, observation and analysis and reflection. The subject of the research is XI TPHP 1 students of SMK N 3 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 in second semester. After conducting the test from pre cycle until cycle 3, there is an improvement in speaking skill. It is caused by their activeness in learning English. In the pre cycle test result, the average score is 40,35 which the criteria is low. In cycle 1, the average score is 42,96 which the criteria is low. In cycle 2, the average score is 50,09 which the criteria is low and the cycle 3 test result, the average score is 56,17 which the criteria is sufficient. Meanwhile, The students’ respond In using three-step interview strategy is going increasing. 100% students felt enjoy in learning English by using three-step interview strategy, 86,96% students felt this strategy is interesting, 43,48% students does not get any difficulty in applying three-step interview strategy, 86,96% students get increasing in their speaking skill, 82,61% students can understand the material easily. Based on the result of the research above, the writer hopes, it can be an alternative teaching speaking English to help students to improve speaking skill

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