Pembelajaran matematika materi layang-layang dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik indonesia pada siswa kelas V SD 4 klaling
The students in fifth grade at SD 4 klaling had dificullty in understanding the basicconcept and solving the problem of kites area. this condition was caused by some factors : the learning modal was still conventional, where the teachers explained the definition or theorem orally, students can not explain their idea, just memorize and remember their knowledge without learning experience. based on these conditions researcher design a learning by using pendidikan matematika realistik indonesia (PMRI)apporoach with making and palying of kites as a concext based on the students experience. the purpose of this research starting by planning, acting, observing and reflecting. the result showed PMRI apporoach starting making and playing of kites as a context based can stimulate and improving students ability to understand the basic concept and solve the problem of kites area