


A semigroup SS is called FmonoidF-monoid if SS has an identity and if there exists a group congruence ρ\rho on SS such that each ρ\rho-class of SS contains a greatest element with respect to the natural partial order of SS (see Mitsch, 1986). Generalizing results given in Giraldes et al. (2004) and specializing some of Giraldes et al. (Submitted) five characterizations of such monoids SS are provided. Three unary operations \star, \circ and - on SS defined by means of the greatest elements in the different ρ\rho-classes of SS are studied. Using their properties, a charaterization of FF-monoids SS by their regular part S={a:aS}S^\circ=\{a^\circ:a\in S\} and the associates of elements in SS^\circ is given. Under the hypothesis that S={a:aS}S^\star=\{a^\star:a\in S\} is a subsemigroup it is shown that SS is regular, whence of a known structure (see Giraldes et al., 2004).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

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