
A assistência às mulheres nas misericórdias portuguesas (séculos XVI-XVIII)


This paper aims at analysing the assistance provided to women by the Portuguese Misericórdia institutions, along the Modern Age. We are especially underlining the support given to young orphans in the years before their marriages, as well as to widows and older women. Since they were considered as fragile and unable to preserve their honour all by themselves, women were helped along the most dangerous periods of their lives, in their adolescence and when they became widows. They were also helped by the last years of their lives, when growing old, in a way to minimize the unavoidable difficulties. Charity towards women was understood as a means of salvation, and therefore aimed at preserving them in chastity and dignity, thereby corresponding to the feminine ideals of post-Trento society.O presente trabalho analisa a assistência às mulheres pelas Misericórdias portuguesas ao longo da Idade Moderna, destacando em particular a ajuda feita às órfãs em idade de casamento, às viúvas e às velhas. Consideradas frágeis e incapazes de sozinhas conservarem a sua honra, as mulheres eram auxiliadas nos estados mais perigosos da adolescência e viuvez. Também eram ajudadas no ocaso da vida, de forma a minimizar as dificuldades sentidas. Entendidas como meio de salvação, a caridade feita às mulheres procurava mantê-las castas e dignas, respondendo ao ideal feminino da sociedade pós-Trento

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