[[alternative]]The study of teacher organizations' lobbying strategies in legislative yuan and the case analysis


碩士[[abstract]]本研究旨在探究我國教師團體對國會遊說的策略,以及教育政策制定相關人士對教師團體遊說運作過程中的看法;並以國中小教師免稅政策為案例,針對教師團體及政策制定相關人士進行訪談,最後予以歸納成為我國教師團體國會遊說之合理模式。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用文件分析及訪談等研究方法,並將研究發現加以討論後歸納成為結論,最後再根據結論提出具體建議,以供教師團體相關研究之參考。 本研究結論有以下幾點: 一、教師團體需作出合理性的政治訴求。 二、教師團體國會遊說運作方式呈多樣化。 三、教師團體在實務上遊說時遭遇不同的困難。 四、政策制定時相關主管部門有不同的反應。 五、教育部與教師團體對於取消免稅後的配套措施尚無共識。 六、在取消免稅議題上,教師團體遊說的策略,所採取的方式相當多元。 最後,根據文獻探討及研究發現,對教師團體、立法機關相關人士、教育政策制定相關人士及未來研究提出以下幾點建議: 壹、對教師團體的建議 一、教師團體進行遊說活動時,不宜預設立場。 二、教師團體應加強教育政策之研究工作,善用資訊策略,以提供教育政策制定相關人士專業教育資訊,並作為協商談判之基礎。 三、教師團體在運用遊說策略時,手段不宜太激烈,需顧及社會情勢,審慎評估實施所產生之效應。 四、教師團體應加強內部組織之整合,以強化其功能。 貳、對立法機關相關人士之建議 一、儘速通過遊說法,以確定遊說的正當性與合法性。 二、脫離政黨色彩顧及教育政策之發展性。 三、立法委員應明確面對「配套措施爭議」的窘境。 參、給教育政策制定相關人士的建議 一、重視教師團體參與教育政策制定之重要性,提供充分溝通、參與管道,以減少對立衝突。 二、教育部是教師團體最高事業目的主管機關,要主動修訂教師法及相關法令,作為未來協商談判之依據。 肆、對未來研究之建議 一、研究內容方面:未來研究可針對本研究中所顯示教師利益團體所使用的遊說策略,更進一步比較其中的利弊的得失,較可了解教師團體國會遊說的完整面貌。 二、研究方法方面:若能針對訪談結果有疑義部分再進行深入訪談,也許會得到到更有意義之結論。[[abstract]]The goals of this study are to explore teacher organizations’ lobbying strategies in Legislative Yuan and identify the viewpoints of the teacher organizations’ lobbying process from educational policy decision-makers, legislators, and organization leaders. This study also takes the policy of canceling the teachers’ tax-free benefit for example and interviews educational policy decision-makers, legislators, and organization leaders. Then, this study generalizes a feasible model of teacher organizations’ lobbying strategies in Legislative Yuan in Taiwan. To achieve the above goals, this study adopts literature analysis and interview methods, and generalizes the conclusions after discussing the research findings. Finally, this study proposes the specific suggestions for the related researches of teacher organizations as reference. The research conclusions are as follows, 1. Teacher organizations need to make feasible appeal for political affairs. 2. The ways of teacher organizations’ lobbying strategies in Legislative Yuan are variety. 3. Teacher organizations counter different difficulties in actual situations. 4. The authorities have different responses when they do the policy-making. 5. The ministry of education and teacher organizations didn’t have the common consensus about alternative programs of canceling the teachers’ tax-free benefit 6. On the issue of canceling the teachers’ tax-free benefit, the lobbying strategies that the teacher organizations adopt are very diversity According to literature review and the research findings, following suggestions are offered to teacher organizations, legislators, educational policy decision-makers and further study: 1. Suggestions to teacher organizations (1)Teacher organizations shouldn’t have any presumptions when they lobby in Legislative Yuan. (2)Teacher organizations should enhance the research of educational policy and make good use of information strategy to offer professional education information for legislators and educational policy decision-makers, and take it as the foundation of negotiation. (3)Teacher organizations shouldn’t adopt the impassioned lobbying strategies. They should give consideration to the social situations and cautiously evaluate the effects that cause from carrying out policies. (4)Teacher organizations should enhance the integration of internal organizations to intensify their functions. 2. Suggestions to legislators (1)The legislators should pass the lobbying law as soon as possible to make sure the legitimacy and validity of lobbying. (2)The legislators should depart from political party and give consideration to the development of educational policy. (3) The legislators should definitely confront the awkward situation of argument of alternative programs. 3. Suggestions to educational policy decision-makers (1)They should value the importance of teacher organizations involve the educational policy-making and offer sufficient communication and participant channel to reduce the conflicts. (2) The ministry of education is the authority of teacher organizations, they should revise the Teacher’s Law and related laws actively and take them as the basis of negotiation in the future. 4. Suggestions to the further study (1) About the content of study: The further study can compare the advantages and disadvantages of lobbying strategies that teacher organizations adopt in this study It can help us more understand about the teacher organizations’ lobbying in Legislative Yuan. (2)About the research method: If the further study can have the depth interview about the doubtful points from the interview conclusions. It may help the study to get more meaningful conclusions.[[tableofcontents]]目次 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景及動機----------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的及研究問題------------------------------3 第三節 名詞釋義----------------------------------------4 第四節 研究方法與步驟----------------------------------5 第五節 研究範圍及限制----------------------------------6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 教育利益團體對國會遊說意涵及其策略--------------9 第二節 我國教師利益團體的產生與遊說運作情況------------31 第三節 美、英、日三國教師利益團體國會遊說之概況--------40 第四節 美、英、日與我國教師利益團體國會遊說之比較------48 第三章 我國教師利益團體國會遊說案例分析 第一節 國中小教師免稅政策之背景及歷程------------------57 第二節 教師團體在修法過程中之遊說活動與分析------------73 第四章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究對象----------------------------------------81 第二節 研究工具----------------------------------------84 第三節 實施程序----------------------------------------85 第四節 資料處理----------------------------------------86 第五章 研究結果分析與討論 第一節 研究結果分析------------------------------------89 第二節 研究發現---------------------------------------102 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論-------------------------------------------107 第二節 建議-------------------------------------------109 參考書目 一、中文部分------------------------------------------115 二、英文部分------------------------------------------120 附錄 附錄一 訪談大綱--------------------------------------123 附錄二 恢復教師課稅發展之大事紀----------------------124 附錄三 恢復教師課稅政策內涵與規劃緣由----------------127 附錄四 教師法----------------------------------------129 表次 表2-1 美、英、日與我國教師團體國會遊說之比較----------56 表3-1 國中小教師免稅規定之立法沿革--------------------59 表3-2 取消免稅的發展歷程------------------------------67 表3-3 94年2~4月 教師團體參與教育部之「取消中小學及幼稚園教職員工免稅配套方案」協商歷程-------------------------74 表3-4 94年5月教育部提送「取消國民中小學及幼稚園教職員工免稅配套方案」後,與全國教師會協商歷程--------------------75 表3-5 「國中小教師免稅」政策-教師團體國會遊說策略分析表-79 表4-1 與個案相關受訪人員一覽表--------------------------82 表4-2 訪談對象之基本資料--------------------------------83 圖次 圖2-1 我國法律制定流程---------------------------------16 圖2-2 全國教師會之組織架構圖---------------------------35[[note]]學號: 792120130, 學年度: 9

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