
Approximating the conformal map of elongated quadrilaterals by domain decomposition


Let Q:={Ω;z1,z2,z3,z4}Q:=\{ \Omega;z_1,z_2,z_3,z_4\} be a quadrilateral consisting of a Jordan domain Ω\Omega and four points z1z_1, z2z_2, z3z_3, z4z_4 in counterclockwise order on Ω\partial \Omega and let m(Q)m(Q) be the conformal module of QQ. Then, QQ is conformally equivalent to the rectangular quadrilateral {Rm(Q);0,1,1+im(Q),im(Q)},\{R_{m(Q)};0,1,1+im(Q),im(Q)\}, , where Rm(Q):={(ξ,η):0<ξ<1, 0<η<m(Q)}, R_{m(Q)}:=\{(\xi,\eta):0<\xi<1, \ 0 <\eta<m(Q)\}, in the sense that there exists a unique conformal map f:ΩRm(Q)f: \Omega \rightarrow R_{m(Q)} that takes the four points z1z_1, z2z_2, z3z_3, z4z_4, respectively onto the four vertices 00, 11, 1+im(Q)1+im(Q), im(Q)im(Q) of Rm(Q)R_{m(Q)}. In this paper we consider the use of a domain decomposition method (DDM) for computing approximations to the conformal map ff, in cases where the quadrilateral QQ is "long". The method has been studied already but, mainly, in connection with the computation of m(Q)m(Q). Here we consider certain recent results of Laugesen, for the DDM approximation of the conformal map f:ΩRm(Q)f: \Omega \rightarrow R_{m(Q)} associated with a special class of quadrilaterals (viz. quadrilaterals whose two non-adjacent boundary segments (z2,z3)(z_2,z_3) and (z4,z1)(z_4,z_1) are parallel straight lines) and seek to extend these results to more general quadrilaterals. By making use of the available DDM theory for conformal modules, we show that the corresponding theory for ff can, indeed, be extended to a much wider class of quadrilaterals than those considered by Laugesen

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