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학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 사회교육과(역사전공), 2012. 2. 김태웅.터키는 기원전 2000년 중앙아시아 동북부에서 기원하였다. 현재 터키족의 조상은 6세기부터 역사의 무대에 등장한 突厥이며 한국과 터키의 관계는 7세기부터 高句麗와 突厥의 교류로 시작하였다. 그러나 터키족이 서부로 이주하고 나서 양국 간의 교류도 빈약해졌다. 한국은 특히 일제강점 전후부터 터키에 대한 관심을 가지고 터키에 대한 기사를 보도하기 시작하였다. 그 이유는 당시 일제 하에 있던 한국이 터키와 비슷한 어려움을 겪고 있었기 때문이다. 한국이 일본의 통치를 받고 있었던 20세기 전반에 터키는 제1차 세계대전이 끝난 후 서양 열강들에게 많은 영토를 빼앗기고 국가적 위기에 처하게 되었다. 그때 케말 파샤는 동지들과 함께 터키 독립 전쟁을 시작하고 터키를 다시 재건했다. 비슷한 시기에 한국에서는 3․1 독립운동이 일어났다. 3․1 독립운동 전후에 한국의 식자층은 역사의 무대에 등장해 터키의 처지를 만회한 케말 파샤와 터키의 발전에 대한 새로운 소식을 알고자 했다. 한국과 터키의 미래를 바꾸었던 두 나라의 독립 운동을 비교해 보면 한국인 식자층이 왜 터키와 케말 파샤를 주목했는지를 더 분명하게 알 수 있다. 같은 시기에 유사한 독립 운동을 전개하고 새로운 공화국으로 복구된 터키는 한국인의 관심을 끌만한 가장 특별한 나라였고, 한국은 터키의 성공을 통해 자국에 대한 기대와 희망을 발견했다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 당시 터키의 민족운동을 이끈 케말 파샤와 그의 근대화 과정을 계속적으로 보도한 것이다. 3․1 독립운동부터 현재까지 케말 파샤를 비중 있게 보도한 한국 언론은 특히 해방 이후부터 케말 파샤의 政治家像을 주목하였다. 한국이 정치적으로 경험해 보았던 상황에 따라 케말 파샤를 다룬 보도의 성격도 변화했다. 이에 본고에서 한국 언론의 케말 파샤에 대한 인식을 신문 ․ 잡지 보도를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 식자층의 인식을 잘 보여줄 수 있는 가장 좋은 자료는 신문과 잡지이고 일반 대중에게 미치는 영향이 크기 때문이다. 당시에 전 세계의 관심을 끈 케말 파샤를 비중 있게 보도한 대부분의 한국 언론은 케말 파샤를 패기만만한 혁명가로, 제국의 수호자로, 그리고 새로운 나라와 체제의 건설자로 표현했다. 이러한 인식은 현재까지 계속되고 있다. 케말 파샤는 한국인의 뇌리 속에 터키 근대화에 큰 진전을 가져온 위인으로 남아있다.In South Koreas modern history, The Korean press analyzed important people and phenomenons of other countries in order to find out a reasonable solution for the Korean society. Korean intellectuals raised the spirit of Korean Nation by leading a national movement to fight for Korean Independence, known as the Korean Peoples Liberal Movement. Especially, by referring to independence movement of foreign countries, they found a chance to look upon their own situation. Turkey was the one of those countries that inspired them. Despite the distance between Turkey and Korea, they resembled in many aspects since the Gokturks and Goguryeo. When Korea was subjected to the Japanese occupation, Turkey weakened by the invasion of England, France and Russia during the 18th century. In the early stage of Japanese occupation of Korea, Park-in Shik considered Gokturks, the founding father of Turks, as a nation with strong spirit, and said Turks who pursue the spirit of Gokturks would be able to rise up against the invading forces. However, before the World WarⅠ and before Kemal Pasha was involved in the war for Independence, the Korean press regarded Turkey as a weak and threatened country. The reason behind this was mainly because of the 400-year occupation of Greek lands by Turks, Turkey was reviewed negatively. Shortly before the 3․1 Independence Movement, Korean intellectuals gained a new perspective about Turkey and Kemal Pasha who battled to improve the Turkeys condition. Thus, thanks to Kemal Pasha they began to be interested in Turkey, which was previously considered adversely. Additionally, to gain their own independence they took Kemal Pasha and his political implementation as an example and began to follow Turkey. After the 3․1 Independence Movement, their attitudes about Turkey was positively changed. As a consequence of his victories over the occupying forces in the World WarⅠ, Kemal Pasha has been the focus of attention for Korean intellectuals, as well as in other countries. After the 3․1 independence movement, the news about Kemal Pasha and Turkey had increased due to the social evolution and the development of the world view. From the beginning of 1920s, Dong-A Ilbo, the pioneer of the Korean National Movement, was the newspaper which frequently referred Kemal Pasha, the founder of Republic of Turkey and Turkey, the country who experienced similar history with Korea. Additionally, Dong-A Ilbo emphasized the independence movement under the leadership of Kemal Pasha and reforms in Turkey, and described him as an ambitious revolutionary and a guardian of the Empire, as well as a founder of the new country and democracy. After forming a new government, the Korean newspapers and journals strove with heart and soul to sustain and improve democracy. Korean intellectuals have focused on Kemal Pashas fight of independence and his western-oriented reforms. After the participation of Turkey in the Korean War in 1950 as a member state of the United Nations supportive attitude towards Turkey improved. After the Korean War the views about Kemal Pasha was merged into two expressions which were democracy and dictatorship. Dong-A Ilbo emphasized Kemal Pashas political implementation in terms of western democracy. On the other hand, dictatorial personality of Kemal Pasha and the background of his dictatorial regime had been focused by other press organs and also Dong-A Ilbo. The critics thought that Kemal Pashas system was an inevitable policy on modernization and economic development for a underdeveloped country like Turkey. Nevertheless, the necessity of his dictatorial regime was considered temporarily acceptable by Korean intellectual community. Korean press was subjected to restriction during Park Chung-Hees military regime. Most of the press organs became pro-government and part of dictatorial regime because of the political pressure of the government. Moreover, Korean intellectuals and authors deprived of the right to write and publish their own opinions. In such an oppressive environment, the discourses of media about Kemal Pasha got changed. Especially in Dong-A Ilbo, news related with Kemal Pasha considerably decreased. Dong-A Ilbo was the newspaper mostly affected by the pressure of government because democratic and dissident affinity of Dong-A Ilbo didnt match with dictatorial affinity of Korean Government on the basis of Kemal Pashas regime. On the other hand, Park Chung-Hee and Kemal Pasha were considered equally by the pro-government KyongHyang Daily News which mentioned Park Chung-Hee as a great man like Kemal Pasha and tried to show Park Chung-Hees policies were similar with Kemal Pashas revolutionary spirit and his revolutionary awareness. The regime of President Chun Doo-Hwan which came after Park Chung-Hee had been a dark period for the press and its freedom of speech in the Korea; therefore, news about Kemal Pasha decreased unlikely during the period before independence. This news about Kemal Pasha actually aimed to support the Government and President of Korea. Since in 1987, the pro-democracy movement until today, Kemal Pasha had regarded as a strong leader model and his revolutionary ideology have been emphasized with regards to democracy and secularism. Kemal Pasha has been integrated with Turkey and he left his mark as a great man and pioneer in modernization upon Korean Press.Maste

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