The difference between interpersonal and hyperpersonal communication in the business environment


Namjera ovog rada je prikazati usporedbu interpersonalne komunikacije ("licem u lice") s komunikacijom posredstvom tehničkih pomagala poput računala i mobitela u poslovnom okruženju. Detaljnom analizom stručne akademske literature, u ovome radu prikazana je interpersonalna komunikacija kao i njezine osnovne značajke. Isto tako je analizirana hiperpersonalna komunikacija i njezine temeljne značajke. U radu je provedena usporedba komunikacije „licem u lice“ s hiperpersonalnom komunikacijom. Nadalje, provedeno je istraživanje putem aknetnog upitnika u kojem je sudjelovalo 105 ispitanika. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja prva hipoteza sa podhipotezama je negirana, dok je druga potvrđena. Na kraju rada je izložen zaključak u kojem se ističe kako je interpersonalna komunikacija i dalje dominantna u poslovnom okruženju u odnosu na hiperpersonalnu.The purpose of this thesis is to show the comparison of interpersonal communication ( „face to face“) with communication through technical solutions such as computer and mobile phone in a business environment. In a detailed analysis of academic literature, this paper presents interpersonal communication as well as its basic features. Hyperpersonal communication and its core features were also analyzed as well as a comparison of “face to face” communication with hyperpersonal communication. Furthermore, a survey was conducted through a questionnaire involving 105 respondents. Based on the results of the survey, the first hypothesis with sub-hypotheses was denied, while the second was confirmed. At the end of the paper, a conclusion is drawn that emphasizes that interpersonal communication remains dominant in the business environment in relation to hyperpersonal

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