Integration of quality, environmental, health and safety system in Solvis d.o.o.


Svrha ovog rada je prikazati zahtjeve normi ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 i ISO 45001:2018 te opisati mogućnost njihove integracije u jedinstven integrirani sustav (IMS) upravljanja kvalitetom, okolišem i zdravljem i sigurnošću u poduzeću Solvis d.o.o. Rad se sastoji od 6 glavnih cjelina. U prvoj cjelini opisat ćemo povijesni razvoj normi ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 i ISO 45001:2018. U drugoj cjelini opisat ćemo načela kvalitete, okoliša i sigurnosti. U trećoj cjelini osvrnut ćemo se na prednosti, ali i nedostatke koje donosi integrirani sustav upravljanja. U četvrtoj cjelini, prikazat ćemo popis definicija i pojmova. U petoj cjelini, prikazat ćemo PAS 99 i Annex SL te njihove sličnosti i razlike. U šestoj cjelini prikazat ćemo integrirani sustav upravljanja (IMS) u Solvis d.o.o. na način da napravimo prikaz zajedničkih zahtjeva norme koji se u cijelosti mogu integrirati u jednu cjelinu, prikaz djelomično specifičnih zahtjeva normi koje se također mogu objediniti u jednom dokumentu i prikaz specifičnih zahtjeva pojedinih normi koje zahtijevaju zasebnu obradu zahtjeva. Na kraju ćemo donijeti zaključak i pregled korištene literature.The purpose of this paper is to present the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 and describe the possibility of their integration into a unique Integrated System of Quality Management, Environment and Health and Safety in Solvis d.o.o. Work consists of 6 main units. In the first part we will describe the historical development of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards. In the second part we will describe the principles of quality, environment and security. In the third part, we will look at the benefits of an integrated management system. In the fourth part, we will show a list of definitions and terms. In the fifth part, we will show PAS 99 and Annex SL and their similarities and differences. In the sixth part, we will present an integrated management system (IMS) in Solvis d.o.o. in a way that we can show a common set of requirements that can be fully integrated into a single entity, a representation of partially specific requirements of norms that can also be aggregated in a single document and the presentation of specific requirements for particular standards that require separate processing of requests. Finally, we will conclude and review the literature used

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