
Sestrinska skrb kod bolesnika sa tromboflebitisom i trombozom vena


Bolesti vena su izrazito česte u odrasloj populaciji. Tromboza je proces stvaranja ugruška u krvnoj ţili, dok je tromboflebitis površinskih vena upalni trombotički proces koji nastaje spontano ili nakon odreĎene kirurške intervencije (nastaje kao posljedica tromboze ili moţe izazvati trombozu) dijagnoza se najčešće postavlja klinički. Prikazani su podaci o etiopatogenezi,dijagnostici, terapiji i sestrinska skrb kod bolesnika sa tromboflebitisom i trombozom vena. U anamnezi bolesnika karakteristične su lokalne traume, ponavljajuće epizode, varikozne vene, korištenje raznih hormonskih pripravaka ili pojava koagulopatije u obitelji. Mnogi bolesnici oboljeli od tromboflebitisa imaju prikrivenu duboku vensku trombozu kasnije i plućnu emboliju koja ima visoku stopu smrtnosti. Osnovni cilj je prevencija, dok se liječenje temelji na sprečavanju proširenja flebitisa s površinskih na duboke vene i sestrinska skrb oko brige za terapiju (heparin niske molekularne mase) i primjena kompresivnih zavoja.Venous diseases are extremely common in the adult population. Thrombosis is the process of creating a clot in a blood vessel, while thrombophlebitis superficial venous thrombotic inflammatory process that occurs spontaneously or after certain surgical interventions (resulting from a thrombotic or can cause thrombosis) diagnosis is usually made clinically. There are presented on the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and nursing care in patients with thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis. In the history of the patient is characterized by local trauma, recurring episodes, varicose veins, use a variety of hormonal preparations or the occurrence of coagulopathy in the family. Many patients suffering from thrombophlebitis have hidden deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism later that has a high mortality rate. The main goal is prevention, and the treatment is based on prevention of expansion of phlebitis with the surface to the deep veins, and a nurses concern of caring for therapy (heparin low molecular weight) and the application of compression bandages

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