The Community Compacts and Mutual Aid Societies of Milyang Park Family in the Region of Cheongdo in the 19th through 20th Centuries


The community compacts and mutual aid societies of Milyang Park family in the region of Cheongdo in the 19th and 20th Centuries had showed as follows: (1) The promotions of learning and educational activities of local aristocrats in Joseon dynasty based on the foundation of confucian norms represented how to take control of cultural hegemony in the local area. (2) The community compacts and mutual aid societies of Milyang Park family in the region of Cheongdo built social safety net. And they expended educational activities confined within the relatives, and thereby strengthened the social status of Milyang Park family in the regional community in the 19th through 20th centuries. (3) Janghyun Park inherited the tradition of his family, and thereby developed confucian tradition into national confucianism in modern Korea.이 논문은 2017년 서울대학교 인문학연구원 산하 종교문제연구소 동삼운해유교연구기금으로부터 지원 받았음

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