Bayesian multi-parameter estimation using the mechanical equivalent of logical inference


In this work we illustrate how the mathematics of rational thinking is formally equivalent to that of structural mechanics. Concepts from the wold of logic, such as accuracy, uncertainty, Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) and rationality correspond, in the world of mechanics, to stiffness, flexibility, equilibrium and conservativeness. For instance, a linear Gaussian N-parameter estimation problem can be solved through a N-dof linear elastic system, as the analogy goes along these lines: the parameters covariance matrix is the system's flexibility matrixthe Fishers information is the stiffness matrixthe negative log-distribution of the parameters is the elastic potential energy of the systemthe Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) is the state of static equilibrium. In principle, based on this analogy, we could reproduce any logical inference problem with a finite element model, and make a judgment by finding its equilibrium state. We will show application of this analogy to a number of civil engineering inference problems, including Bayesian estimation, Bayesian networks and Kalman filter

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