
In the possible scaling region for an SU(2) lattice chiral fermion advocated in {\it Nucl. Phys.} B486 (1997) 282, no hard spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs and doublers are gauge-invariantly decoupled via mixing with composite three-fermion-states that are formed by local multifermion interactions. However the strong coupling expansion breaks down due to no ``static limit'' for the low-energy limit (pa0pa\sim 0). In both neutral and charged channels, we further analyze relevant truncated Green functions of three-fermion-operators by the strong coupling expansion and analytical continuation of these Green functions in the momentum space. It is shown that in the low-energy limit, these relevant truncated Green functions of three-fermion-states with the ``wrong'' chiralities positively vanish due to the generalized form factors (the wave-function renormalizations) of these composite three-fermion-states vanishing as O((pa)^4) for pa0pa\sim 0. This strongly implies that the composite three-fermion-states with ``wrong'' chirality are ``decoupled'' in this limit and the low-energy spectrum is chiral, as a consequence, chiral gauge symmetries can be exactly preserved.Comment: A few typing-errors, in particular in Eq.50, have been correcte

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