Modelling Internet Workloads for IEEE 802.16


The IEEE 802.16-2004 standard contains the wireless MAN (WMAN) air interface specification. WMAN has become a major part of the emerging broadband wireless access technology particularly since it accounts for differentiated traffic classes (TCs). Differentiated traffic is immediately associated with Quality of Service (QoS) and this then becomes the objective of many WMAN studies. Since it is unrealistic to experiment with a real WMAN, the obvious alternative is to model its performance. Our objective is thus to develop a WMAN Base Station (BS) and Subscriber Station (SS) simulation model operating in the point-to-multipoint (PMP) architecture mode. As important as the simulation itself is a model representing the load or traffic. In this document we report on an IEEE 802.16 synthetic Workload Model (WLM) with a WLM Generator (WLG) and associated generators (TGs) that represent and generate internet traffic. Underlying the WLM is a Markov Modulated Arrival Process (MMBP) to combine the various WLGs

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