DergiPark: 420842tmsjAims: To investigate modern methods to prevent premature rupture of membranes by the use of chlorhexidine inpregnant women with varicose disease.Methods: The data of 39 pregnant women with varicose disease, who delivered between 2014 and 2016 at MaternityHospital No. 3, Zaporozhye were analyzed using SPSS software. Patients were divided in 3 groups according totheir medical history, complications during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. The 1st group consistedof 13 pregnant women who did not receive prenatal vaginal douching with chlorhexidine; the 2nd group consistedof 13 patients with varicose disease, who received douching of birth canal with vaginal suppositories with chlorhexidine1 time per day for 10 days before their delivery, but did not undergo a rehabilitation at the sanatorium; and the3rd group had 13 pregnant women who received sanatorium rehabilitation at ‘‘Veliki lug’’ during the II. trimester oftheir pregnancy with the course of 1 chlorhexidine suppository per day for 10 days before delivery.Results:In the 1st group, the percentage of premature death was 61.5%; anemia and significant ultrasound markerswere present in 46.2%; the percentage for the presence of hematometra was 38.5%; premature rupture of membranes,anomalies of labor and polyhydroamniosis were 30.8%; chorioamnionitis 15.4%; and intrauterine infection offetus was 7.7%. In the 2nd group, anemia was present in 35%, 23.1% showed anomalies of labor; premature ruptureof membranes, ultrasound markers, premature death, and hematometra were present in 15.4%. Whereas in the 3rdgroup, anemia and anomalies of labor were present in 15.4%, premature rupture of the membranes and prematuredeath were present in 7.7% of the patients.Conclusion: With its broad antibacterial and antiviral effect, chlorhexidine in antiseptic form was found to bebeneficial and it is found to promote the restoration of the vaginal microflora