
Online Webshoppe


Shopping is among the oldest economic institutions. They have been used since antiquity to sell a wide variety of goods, and their basic form has remained unchanged. In this dissertation, we explore the efficiency of common shopping when values are interdependent - the value to a particular product may depend on shops available in the market and we need to search for different kind of products. With the invention of E-commerce technologies over the Internet the opportunity to bid from the comfort of ones own home has seen a change like never seen before. Within the span of a few short years, what may have began as an experimental idea has grown to an immensely popular hobby, and in some cases, a means of livelihood, the online shopping gathers tremendous response everyday, all day. With the point and click of the mouse, one may buy an item they may need or just want, and in moments they find that is easy. The excitement of shopping all from the comfort of home is a completely different experience. The levels of comfort may rise in the near future but the rules to be followed remain the same. Society cannot seem to escape the criminal element in the physical world, and so it is the same with online shopping. This is one area wherein a question can be raised as to how safe online shopping

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