
A PC-Based Simulator/Controller/Monitor Software for a Manipulators and Electromechanical Systems


Pre-print of "A PC-Based Simulator/Controller/Monitor Software for a Generic 6-DOF Manipulator". The final publication is available at link.springer.comGeneral form application is a very important issue in industrial design. Prototyping a design helps in determining system parameters, ranges and in structuring better systems. Robotics is one of the industrial design fields in which prototyping is crucial for improved functionality. Developing an environment that enables optimal and flexible design using reconfigurable links, joints, actuators and sensors is essential for using robots in the education and industrial fields [4] [6]. We propose a PC-Based software package to control, monitor and simulate a generic 6-DOF (six degrees of freedom) robot including a spherical wrist. This package may be used as a black box for the design implementations or as white (detailed) box for learning about the basics of robotics and simulation technology.

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