Efektifitas Pemanfaatan Ruang Publik Melalui Taman Kota di Kabupaten Ponorogo


The park’s in Ponorogo Regency, as Public Sphere, should bemeasured, how effective use, So it needs the studies. Thisresearch uses the method descriptive qualitative, to techniquedata collection of interviews and documentation. From the research the results showed, that: a park which is there are in kabupaten ponorogo a number of 6 (six), of bond issuancewill be: the garden of Sukowati, a city park Singodimeja, statepark Jeruk Sing, the garden of Wonopringgo, the garden of and useful for increasing the Seloaji, the garden of Pendopo,Was not effective known as of a garden, because many gardennot have the concept of clear so they do not have indentitas local clear(miss identity), Lack of activity and also thespacecraft in the park made park is monotonous and less attractive, In addition there are lack of tranquility and comfort users because the park average are on main street.,So that disturbed by activity motor craft. In addition the parkis not in design with essentially and perfectly morally good, because there are a lot a park which is not having a place like(gazebo) or (joglo) as a barrier there awaits a mighty the rays of the sun and also the match winner the one hour heavy rain that every single time could possibly have happened. Of the existence of a park maximally while previous the if formed inthe a day longer provided that with the concept of theHabermas, related to a public hal , made itself visible since itsis still far away from the size of a room to lower the key howforbid that it should have a public hall no protector againstgod of inclusion of, the remembrance of public room which isthere are in Ponorogo Regency is still in personal, becausethey have not been create a it cannot be built interactions among society in the Ponorogo Regency. While the concept ofegalitarian societies have been fulfilled , its power because allmen able to access the garden of them and they will comethere is pressure to show off on doing ruts in a public hallreflected the bank sound assets

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