
U radu su opisane distribucijske trafostanice s pripadajućim elementima, a posebna pozornost dana je elementima i sustavima električne zaštite trafostanice. Kako bi lakše shvatili što su i gdje se zapravo koriste distribucijske trafostanice opisan je elektroenergetski sustav i distribucijska mreža. Navedeni su i objašnjeni sklopni aparati koji se primjenjuju u cilju zaštite kao i njihov pravilan odabir što je bio osnovni cilj rada. Na kraju je cijeli rad obuhvaćen i predstavljen kroz primjer izvedbe distribucijske stupne i montažno armiranobetonske trafostanice.This thesis describes distribution substations along with their components with an emphasis on the systems and components of electrical protection of distribution substations. Electric power system and distribution network were also described to more easily explain what distribution substations are and what their purpose is. Switching devices used for protection were listed and described along with an explanation of the current breaker choice. This was the main goal of this thesis. The whole thesis was finally presented through an example of a pole mounted distribution substation and a prefabricated reinforced concrete distribution substation

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