Geospatial technologies in modeling and promotion of protected areas on the example of lake Zmajevo oko


Proučavanje prirodne baštine uvelike ovisi o njenoj očuvanosti jer globalne klimatske promjene, prirodne katastrofe, masovni turizam, terorizam te ljudski nemar uvelike utječu na promjene u krajoliku, a samim time i na zaštićena područja. Posljednjih desetljeća geoprostorne tehnologije je zahvatio proces ubrzanog razvoja. One su omogućile dokumentaciju trenutnog stanja i izradu modela visoke kvalitete u svrhu očuvanja i promocije zaštićenih područja. Područje istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada bilo je jezero Zmajevo oko kod Rogoznice. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi preciznost integralnog mjernog sustava kombinacija RTK GPS i višesnopnog dubinomjera s obzirom na to da je isti prvi put korišten u Republici Hrvatskoj te dobiti informacije o osnovnim karakteristikama jezera (površina, volumen, dubina). Također, jedan od ciljeva je bio kartirati te klasificirati dno jezera kao i utvrditi podvodne tunele. Aerofotogrametrijom, za koju je korištena bespilotna letjelica Phantom 4 Pro opremljena fotoaparatom visoke razlučivosti, obuhvaćeno je vodno lice jezera i šire obalno područje u tampon zoni od 100 m. Batimetrijskom izmjerom, za koju se po prvi put u RH koristio integralni mjerni sustav kombinacija višesnopnog dubinomjera WASSP S3 i Hemisphere V320 GNSS pametne antene, obuhvaćeno je dno jezera. Integralni mjerni sustav s operativnom frekvencijom od 160 kHz u potpunosti je omogućio kartiranje dna te deset bočnih tunela (pukotina). U završnoj fazi istraživanja, podaci prikupljeni objema metodama su spojeni te je izrađen integralni model jezera visoke kvalitete. Na temelju 2.5D i 3D modela izračunati su volumen, površina i duljina obalne linije jezera. Točnost modela dobivenog aerofotogrametrijom iznosi < 5 cm. Vertikalna preciznost, nefiltriranih podataka, integralnog mjernog sustava iznosi 6,8 cm, a horizontalna 11,8 cm. U programu Lumion izrađena je virtualna šetnja jezerom u svrhu promocije, a pomoću 3D printera Prusa i3 MK3 ispisan je i fizički model jezera koji može poslužiti kao suvenir. Prikupljeni podaci visoke kvalitete predstavljaju temelj za buduća istraživanja na ovom zaštićenom području.The study of natural heritage largely depends on its preservation because global climate change, natural disasters, mass tourism, terrorism and human negligence greatly affect changes in the landscape, and thus protected areas. In recent decades, geospatial technologies have been affected by a process of rapid development. They enabled the documentation of the current situation and the development of high quality models for the purpose of preserving and promoting protected areas. The research area of this graduation thesis was Lake Zmajevo oko near Rogoznica. The objective of the research was to determine the accuracy of the integrated measuring system of combinations of RTK GPS and multi-beam depth sounder, given that it was used for the first time in the Republic of Croatia and to obtain information on the basic characteristics of the lake (area, volume, depth). Also, one of the objectives was to map and classify the bottom of the lake as well as to identify underwater tunnels. Aerial photogrammetry used by the Phantom 4 Pro UAV equipped with a high-resolution camera covered the water surface of the lake and the wider coastal area in the buffer zone of 100 m. The bathymetric survey, for which, for the first time in the Republic of Croatia, an integrated measuring system of combinations of the WASSP S3 multi-beam depth sounder and the Hemisphere V320 GNSS smart antenna was used, covered the bottom of the lake. An integrated measuring system with an operating frequency of 160 kHz has fully enabled the mapping of the bottom and ten side tunnels (cracks). In the final phase of the research, the data collected by both methods were combined and an integrated model of a high quality lake was developed. Based on the 2.5D and 3D models, the volume, area, and length of the lake shoreline were calculated. The accuracy of the model obtained by aerial photogrammetry is < 5 cm. The vertical precision of unfiltered data of the integral measuring system is 6.8 cm, and the horizontal is 11.8 cm. In the Lumion software, a virtual walk through the lake was made for the purpose of promoting. A physical model of the lake, which can serve as a souvenir, was printed by the help of the 3D printer Prusa i3 MK3. The collected high quality data are the basis for future research in this protected area

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