Influence of Disaccharide Type on Phenolics and Volatiles of Blackberry Cream Fillings


Punila na bazi kupina su pripremljena od citrus vlakna, soka kupine i disaharida. Disaharidi koji su korišteni su saharoza, maltoza i trehaloza u udjelu od 50 %. Punilima je određen udio fenola, proantocijanidina, antioksidacijska aktivnost, udio hlapljivih komponenata i parametri boje, nakon pripreme i nakon skladištenja. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da tip šećera utječe na ispitivane parametre. Najveći udio fenola imalo je punilo s trehalozom a najmanji punilo sa saharozom te je ovaj trend zadržan i nakon skladištenja. Punilo s maltozom imalo je najveći udio proantocijanidina, a punilo sa saharozom najmanji. Od hlapljivih komponenata, terpeni i aldehidi i ketoni su određeni u najvećoj koncentraciji, s time da terpena ima najviše u punilu s trehalozom a aldehida i ketona u punilu sa saharozom. Nakon skladištenja udio hlapljivih komponenata se je smanjio, a najveću koncentraciju terpena imala su punila s trehalozom i maltozom, a aldehida i ketona punila sa saharozom.Blackberry cream fillings were prepared from citrus fiber, blackberry juice and disaccharides. The disaccharides that were used were sucrose, maltose and trehalose in amount of 50%. The content of phenols, proanthocyanidins, antioxidant activity, the content of volatile components and color parameters were determined in the prepared fillings. Obtained results revealed that dissacharides type had an effect on investigated parameters. The highest phenol content had fillings with trehalose and the lowest fillings with sucrose. The same tendency was observed after storage. Fillings with maltose had the highest proanthocyanidin content while fillings with sucrose had the lowest amount of this compounds. Regarding volatile compounds, terpenes and aldehydes and ketones were evaluated in the highest concentration. Terpenes were determined in the highest concentration in fillings with trehalose, while aldehydes and ketones in fillings with sucrose. After storage, concentration of volatiles decreased. The highest concentration of terpenes were determined in fillings with trehalose and maltose, while aldehydes and ketones in fillings with sucrose

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