Possibilities of Application Photovoltaic Systems in Urban Areas - Case Studies


Poslednjih 15 godina u urbanim sredinama širom Evrope sve je veća primena fotonaponskih (PV) sistema. Implementacija PV sistema u projektovanju i izgradnji objekata postaje deo standardnih aktivnosti u razvoju gradova. Postoje i značajne prepreke za primenu ovih sistema, koje su evropske države prevazišle, a tiču se pre svega legislativnog okvira koji reguliše ovakvu vrstu projekata, a zatim i načina njihovog fi nansiranja. Kroz primere evropskih gradova i sdudije slučaja (case study) gradova Gelsenkirchena u Nemačkoj, Gleisdorfa u Austriji i Liona u Francuskoj, rad nastoji da ukaže na pozitivne ekonomske i ekološke efekte ovakvog načina dobijanja energije i ukaže na značajnije promene u pristupu i načinu planiranja novih delova grada, važnoj ulozi eksperata, edukaciji stručnjaka, učešću javnosti i ulozi lokalnih vlasti u implementaciji ovih projekata. Osim toga, na osnovu inostranih primera u radu su date smernice za primenu ovakve vrste projekata kod nas. Prikazan je projekat solarne fotonaponske elektrane urađen za Skupštinu opštine Vračar u Beogradu. Rad predlaže mere i akcije (od edukacije do fi nansiranja) koje bi pomogle u realizaciji ovakve vrste projekata u Srbiji.Photovoltaic systems have seen an expansion of their application in the past 15 years. Implementation of these systems becomes one of the standard activities in the urban design and development processes. On the other hand, there are considerable constraints for the application of photovoltaic systems, mainly in the legislative area, which regulates the implementation and fi nancing of these projects. These problems have been overcame succesfully by many European countries. This paper tries to point to some positive economic and ecological effects of these energy systems and present a change of the approach to design of new city districts. Some other issues, presented in this paper are the: importance and education of experts, participation of public and local government. The method of this paper is the presentation of positive examples of European cities and their case studies. Some of the cities are Gelsenkirchen (Germany), Gleisdorff (Austria), Lion (France). Based on those experiences, the paper proposes guidelines for the local application of these projects. An example of the solar photovoltaic plant for the Municipality of Vračar in Belgrade is presented in detail. The paper proposes measures and actions (from education to fi nancing) which would help in realizations of similar projects in Serbi

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