Costruire processi partecipativi attorno al cibo: le esperienze di Bergamo e Trento


This contribution offers a first reflection on two field research experiences carried out in the context of two projects aiming to create urban food policies in two medium-sized cities: Bergamo and Trento. In particular, it reflects on the factors that favour and hinder the spread of good practices of responsible consumption and production \u2013 the so-called Alternative Food Networks or AFNs \u2013 and on the collaboration between civil society actors and institutions. After a first introductory part and before outlining the characteristics of the two contexts taken into examination, the chapter discusses the methodology adopted called \u201cresearch for action\u201d, a particular approach building upon participatory action research traditions in the human and social sciences which aims to support the exchange and the collaboration among actors involved in the local food system to facilitate collective action through the use of different tools including digital maps, in-depth interviews and focus groups. In conclusion, it reflects on which approaches and tools may be utilized to encourage the participation of social actors with institutions to address the problems of the current system of production, consumption and distribution of food (starting from the local scale), in order to better utilize the opportunities for dissemination and coordination of good environmental and social practices in the development of participatory and sustainable food policies

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