
Executive Summary: NM convalescent plasma call. NM case counts. Gallup lockdown continues. Tribal federal relief delay. Childcare demand drops. Polling open for primaries. Non-US world funds R&D. South Korea eases more. Soft quarantine inefficiency. Chinese interventions. Transmission window. December French case. CDC on law enforcement, essential errands. NEJM on telemedicine. Practice guidelines for: ECMO, pneumonia, nuclear medicine SOP. FDA antibody test restrictions. Africa testing differences. PCR assay sensitivity. Wuhan antibody tracking. Hydroxychloroquine toxicity. Remdesivir mechanism. Tocilzumab study inconclusive. SARs-CoV-2 structure. 28 new trials. Immunology and exercise. Synthetic SARS-CoV-2. IgM and IgG responses. Bacterial and fungal coinfection. Youth mental health challenges

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