
Executive Summary: NM COVID case update. Temporary hospitals for non-COVID patients. Mandatory face coverings for businesses. NM income shortfall. Potential $2 billion NM budget deficit. Relief fund for rural health care providers. Meals for children, seniors, and tribal members. National parks phased reopening. Rural hunger program. Bangladesh to make remdesivir. Healthcare worker infections. Indian police force infections. Shanghai Disneyland reopens. Mask diaper linings. Mask/respirator review. Hospitals need bailouts. Provider financial resources. African lockdown hunger. Virus jumped late 2019. Mortality rates decrease. Early case in France. International reopening recommendations. WHO: don’t rush reopening. CDC: prison management. Timing important. Dedicated COVID-19 facility. Guidelines for: maternal-fetal medicine, neurosurgery, long-QT treatment, gastroenterology. UK testing in low demand. HIV screening efforts continued. Inactivated vaccine candidate. Natural products. Convalescent plasma effectiveness. Clinical trial tracker. 47 new trials. Children couch potatoes. Adolescents troubled. Climate effects deaths. Lupus anticoagulant. Shock in children. Intestinal viral replication. Tocilizumab patient recovery. Protein target. Genomic diversity

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