Novel parasite invasion leads to rapid demographic compensation and recovery in an experimental population of guppies (Poecilia reticulata)


The global movement of pathogens is altering populations and communities through a variety of direct and indirect ecological pathways. The direct effect of a pathogen on a host is reduced survival, which can lead to decreased population densities. However, theory also suggests that increased mortality can lead to no change or even increases in the density of the host. This paradoxical result can occur in a regulated population when the pathogen’s negative effect on survival is countered by increased reproduction at the lower density. Here, we analyze data from a long-term capture–mark–recapture experiment of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) that were recently infected with a nematode parasite (Camallanus cotti). By comparing the newly infected population with a control population that was not infected, we show that decreases in the density of the infected guppy population were transient. The guppy population compensated for the decreased survival by a density-dependent increase in recruitment of new individuals into the population, without any change in the underlying recruitment function. Increased recruitment was related to an increase in the somatic growth of uninfected fish. Twenty months into the new invasion, the population had fully recovered to preinvasion densities even though the prevalence of infection of fish in the population remained high (72%). These results show that density-mediated indirect effects of novel parasites can be positive, not negative, which makes it difficult to extrapolate to how pathogens will affect species interactions in communities. We discuss possible hypotheses for the rapid recovery

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