Novel grating designs for a single-shot Smith-Purcell bunch profile monitor


Smith-Purcell radiation has been successfully used to perform longitudinal profile measurements of electron bunches with sub-ps lengths. These measurements require radiation to be generated from a series of gratings to cover a sufficient frequency range for accurate profile reconstruction. In past systems the gratings were used sequentially and so several bunches were required to generate a single profile, but modern accelerators would benefit from such measurements being performed on a bunch by bunch basis. To do this the radiation from all three gratings would need to be measured simultaneously, increasing the mechanical complexity of the device as each grating would need to be positioned individually and at a different azimuthal angle around the electron beam. Investigations into gratings designed to displace the radiation azimuthally will be presented. Such gratings could provide an alternative to the rotated-grating approach, and would simplify the design of the single-shot monitor by reducing the number of motors required as all of the gratings could be positioned using a single mount

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