
Ponencia presentada en:2nd Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA 2014) celebrado en Tarragona del 7 al 9 de julio de 2014.Ammonia is the Secondary Inorganic Aerosol (SIC) gaseous precursor which has been studied to a lesser extent in the Madrid Metropolitan Area up to date. A study conducted in the city of Madrid with the aim of characterizing levels of ammonia took place in 2011. These campaigns formed part of a larger study conducted in 6 Spanish cities. A time series of weekly integrated ammonia measurements available at an EMEP rural site (Campisábalos) has been used to obtain information on the ammonia rural background in the region. The results point to traffic and waste treatment plants as the main ammonia sources in Madrid. Relevant seasonal differences have not been observed in the Metropolitan Area. The explanation can be related to the fall in the rural background levels during July 2011, which might conceal urban summer emission increases observed in other cities

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