Predictor of Turnover Intention of Register Nurses: Job Satisfaction or Work Engagement?


Both employee job satisfaction (JS) and employee work engagement (WE) have been examined as possible predictors of employees’ intention to voluntarily leave a specific job or company, known as turnover intention (TI). While the body of knowledge has grown concerning the nature of TI, there remains the unsettled question of which of the two concepts most accurately predicates TI. The high turnover rate of registered nurses (RNs) in hospitals in the U.S. presented an opportunity to examine if JS and WE predict, and to what degree, among RNs. For this quantitative correlational research probability sampling was used to identify 155 participants, all full-time registered nurses with 2 or more years of employment in New York hospitals. Data, obtained from surveys, were analyzed via multiple linear regression. The results revealed that only job satisfaction predicted turnover intention among the nurses sampled, F (5,154) = 12.008, p R2 = 287.The findings indicate that leaders of healthcare organizations, might lower nurse turnover intention by focusing on improving job satisfaction. Specifically, TI may be lower by addressing the issues identified from regular job satisfaction surveys, and by a greater emphasis on creating a more satisfying workplace. A more stable RN workforce could reduce healthcare disruptions in communities

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