
Modélisation et Commande d’un Dirigeable Propulsé par la Force de Flottabilité


A new concept of airship without thrust, elevator or rudder is considered in this thesis. It is actuatedby a moving mass and a mass-adjustable internal air bladder. This results into the motion ofthe center of gravity and the change of the net lift. The development of this concept of airship ismotivated by energy saving. An eight degrees-of-freedom complete nonlinear mathematical model ofthis airship is derived through the Newton-Euler approach. The interconnection between the airship’srigid body and the moveable mass is clearly presented. The dynamics in the longitudinal plane is analyzedand controlled through a LQR method, an input-output feedback linearization, and the maximalfeedback linearization with internal stability. Thanks to maximal feedback linearization, an efficientnonlinear control is derived. In this process, modelling, analysis, and control are solved for specialcases of the airship, which become gradually closer to the most general model. The most constrainedspecial case reduces to a two degree-of-freedom system. It is shown that the basic properties of thistwo DOF mechanical system remain instrumental for the analysis and synthesis of advanced airshipmodels. These properties are far from being obvious from the most complex model. Through a singularperturbation approach, the superposition of the two control actions in the longitudinal plane andin the lateral plane is shown to achieve the control of the dynamics in three dimension.Un nouveau concept de dirigeable est considéré dans cette thèse. Une commande non linéaire est mise en oeuvre, fondée sur la linéarisation maximale de la dynamique

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