
Piezoelectric systems for precise and high dynamic positioning: design, modeling, estimation and control


This HDR synthesizes the works I have carried out at the department of AS2M of the FEMTO-STInstitute as well as the different administrative, editorial and teaching activities. The research works(supervised, in collaboration, ...) deal with the: design, development, modeling, control and signalsmeasurement and estimation in piezoelectric based systems devoted to precise and highly dynamicpositioning applications. The systems behaviors include linear and nonlinear phenomena (hysteresisand creep) and badly damped vibrations which greatly compromise the performances of thepositioning tasks, and which pose great challenge in their control. The proposed control techniquesenclose feedforward and feedback schemes. In feedback schemes, mainly robust techniques arestudied: H-infinity techniques and interval control techniques. In the use of intervals, new theoreticalresults are also proposed and are applied to different applications: design, control, structuralanalysis. Innovative measurement techniques have also been proposed to estimate the signals inpiezoelectric systems by accounting for the limited space, the high dynamics and the high precisionrequirements. The last part of the HDR poses questions and wonders if these different developmentsand endeavors would not be profitable for the development of other applications than precise andhighly dynamic positioning

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