
Invariants of spin networks with boundary in Quantum Gravity and TQFT's


The search for classical or quantum combinatorial invariants of compact n-dimensional manifolds (n=3,4) plays a key role both in topological field theories and in lattice quantum gravity. We present here a generalization of the partition function proposed by Ponzano and Regge to the case of a compact 3-dimensional simplicial pair (M3,∂M3)(M^3, \partial M^3). The resulting state sum Z[(M3,∂M3)]Z[(M^3, \partial M^3)] contains both Racah-Wigner 6j symbols associated with tetrahedra and Wigner 3jm symbols associated with triangular faces lying in ∂M3\partial M^3. The analysis of the algebraic identities associated with the combinatorial transformations involved in the proof of the topological invariance makes it manifest a common structure underlying the 3-dimensional models with empty and non empty boundaries respectively. The techniques developed in the 3-dimensional case can be further extended in order to deal with combinatorial models in n=2,4 and possibly to establish a hierarchy among such models. As an example we derive here a 2-dimensional closed state sum model including suitable sums of products of double 3jm symbols, each one of them being associated with a triangle in the surface.Comment: 9 page

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