Separability within alternating groups and randomness


This thesis promotes known residual properties of free groups, surface groups, right angled Coxeter groups and right angled Artin groups to the situation where the quotient is only allowed to be an alternating group. The proofs follow two related threads of ideas. The first thread leads to `alternating' analogues of extended residual finiteness in surface groups \cite{scott1978subgroups}, right angled Artin groups and right angled Coxeter groups \cite{haglund2008finite}. Let WW be a right-angled Coxeter group corresponding to a finite non-discrete graph G\mathcal{G} with at least 33 vertices. Our main theorem says that Gc\mathcal{G}^c is connected if and only if for any infinite index convex-cocompact subgroup HH of WW and any finite subset {γ1,,γn}WH\{ \gamma_1, \ldots , \gamma_n \} \subset W \setminus H there is a surjective homomorphism ff from WW to a finite alternating group such that f(γi)f(H)f (\gamma_i) \notin f (H) . A corollary is that a right-angled Artin group splits as a direct product of cyclic groups and groups with many alternating quotients in the above sense. Similarly, finitely generated subgroups of closed, orientable, hyperbolic surface groups can be separated from finitely many elements in an alternating quotient, answering positively a conjecture of Wilton \cite{wilton2012alternating}. The second thread uses probabilistic methods to provide `alternating' analogues of subgroup conjugacy separability and subgroup into-conjugacy separability in free groups \cite{bogopolski2010subgroup}. Suppose H1,HkH_1, \ldots H_k are infinite index, finitely generated subgroups of a non-abelian free group FF. Then there exists a surjective homomorphism f:FAmf:F \longrightarrow A_m such that if HiH_i is not conjugate into HjH_j, then f(Hi)f(H_i) is not conjugate into f(Hj)f(H_j).EPSRC International Doctoral Scholar schem

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