Study of Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour of the Gram Panchayat Members of West Bengal: with special reference to Burdwan-I Development Block


There is no shortage of information in the time of this information explosion era. Due to information explosion the gram panchayat members are confused about the access to right information at the right time from different information sources. Thus, information seeking is most important thing and it is surely be influenced by different type factors. The study would also find the information sources, how to access and how to use these sources by the gram panchayat members of different gram panchayats under the Burdwan-I Development Block. Data has been collected from the gram panchayat members through structured questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed among the 162 gram panchayat members of the different gram panchayat of this blocks of burdwan sadar (north) subdivision. 117 filled questionnaires are returned back from the gram panchayat members and all are analysed. Most of the members said that Libraries, community information centres, etc. are not available in the villages, so their role is very limited but they want to establish this type of information sources in their village area. Gram panchayat members are getting information from print and non-print media and also from internet. Most of the GP members used social media and majority of them used both facebook & whatsapp to seek the information. Almost all the Gram Panchayat members get adequate information from all relevant sources including language problem, difficulties in operating technical devices and dealing with time constraints and also the pandemic of Covid-19

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