Application of Library Service Charter in Quality Service Delivery in University Libraries


Purpose was to assess the application of library service charter in quality service delivery in university libraries with reference to the University of Nairobi Library in Kenya, and propose measures to ensure successful implementation and management of the practice. Objectives of the study were to: examine the extent of the library service charter in quality service delivery in the library, establish levels of library staff awareness, perception and responsiveness to information service delivery, assess the actualization of the matrices of the library service charter for quality improvements, establish the challenges experienced by the library in realising the commitments of the service delivery charter, and propose measures to be undertaken to ensure successful actualization of the library service charter. Mixed research methods of qualitative and quantitative design were applied in the research. The library service charter played critical role in delivery of services to the information customers, significantly enhanced information management through professionalism, staff performance, teamwork and timely feedback. The challenges experienced in implementing the service charter included low work motivation, increased workload, complexity in understanding the provisions of the charter, bureaucracy, institutional weakness, targets set inhibits performance and inadequate facilitation. There is need for elaborated information fluency programme to equip the library staff with adequate knowledge and skills on all matrices of the practice. In addition, the library should plan for capacity building, provide enough copies of the service charter to patrons, and monitor and evaluate the service charter for continuous improvement of service delivery

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