Analysis of the applicability of the IEEE 2030.8 standard for testing a microgrid control system


To coordinate the operation of the different generating units, storage systems and loads belonging to a microgrid, typically a Microgrid Control System (MGCS) is needed. This MGCS defines the set points to be delivered to the controllable devices to guarantee the appropriate operation of the microgrid both from the technical and the economic perspectives. The MGCS must be able to operate the microgrid in islanded mode, grid-connected, and withstand the transitions between the two operatingmodes. Recently two international standards have been approved dealing with microgrid con-trollers, “IEEE 2030.7-2017 – IEEE Standard for the Specification of Microgrid Control-ler” and “IEEE 2030.8-2018 - IEEE Standard for the Testing of Microgrid Controllers”.The research leading to this publication has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654113 via the Trans-national Access (TA) User Project 05.024-2018

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